Brutal attack on car guard

The woman is now bed-ridden and barely able to walk.

A 68-YEAR-old Scottburgh Mall car guard was brutally beaten up, tortured with a broken bottle and then robbed of her meagre day’s takings by three men who laughed while they did it last Sunday afternoon.

A well known and popular figure at the mall, Myra du Plooy is now bed-ridden, barely able to walk and unable to do the job she has done effectively for 14 years.

It’s not the best job, doesn’t pay well and sometimes you have to deal with resentful, grumpy people.

But it is her only way of making ends meet and Myra actually ‘loves the job’.

She said she had also made many friends at the mall and other carparks over the years.

She was on her way home about 4pm after a full day’s work in the rain and was dropped off at the Park Rynie robots on the R102.

Nearly home, Myra heard loud music and a car approaching.

“I turned around to look where the music was coming from and a young man suddenly punched me in the face,” she said.

“As I fell to the ground, he started kicking me all over my body, my legs and head. I heard him laughing as he was doing this.”

She spotted two more men, who just sat in the vehicle laughing and cheering the attacker on.

“Then he took a broken glass bottle and pushed it into my forehead slowly. His friends laughed. He took my purse which had my ID book, bank card and R310 and they drove off.”

She thought the vehicle was a white Volkswagen.

She said she was too traumatised to report it to the police.

She was urged to do so.

Captain Vincent Pandarum of the Scottburgh SAPS also urged her to do so.

“When people do not open cases, the criminals continue with their crimes and more people become victims,” he said.

As she is unable to work at the moment, two donation tins have been placed at Scottburgh Health and Beauty Institute and MIB Technologies at the Scottburgh Mall.
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