‘Water remains a problem in Ramsgate’

Ugu Municipality really needs to put improving the quality of water at the top of their agenda.

DEAR Editor,-

Water over the December holiday season remains a problem in the Margate/Ramsgate area of Windsor Road. This ongoing problem has yet to be solved by Ugu Municipality and was reported in 2012 and 2013 and numerous phone calls to the council did not help. Many experienced people have all since left Ugu, which has not helped the finalise the low pressure situation.

Furthermore, the brown water has really become a problem and, according to the article on page 8, (South Coast Herald, January 2 edition) has become worse. The water is not drinkable and poses a health hazard and I agree that it has become worse over a period of time. Ugu Municipality really needs to put improving the quality of water at the top of its agenda.

Year after year, the section of Marine Drive from the Margate Police Station to the Ramsgate High Court, has more and more potholes that have not been repaired or have been left half-repaired.

I would agree with the writer on page 8 of the issue dated January 2 that areas on the South Coast have gone from bad to worse. It’s about time that councillors do their rounds to improve service delivery, which in turn improves the income of all businesses over peak periods and brings holidaymakers back.


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