‘ANC has failed KZN 2014 matric students’

There is no greater gift to a young person than quality education.

THE recently announced KwaZulu-Natal 2014 matric results, which record a substantial drop of 7.7 percent from 77.4 percent in 2013 to 69.7 percent in 2014, show that the province’s ANC led education department is failing our pupils.

According to early reports, KZN’s Ilembe and Umzinyathi districts are amongst the six worst performing districts in the entire country. The other four districts are in the Eastern Cape.

These results are the wake-up call that KZN Education MEC, Peggy Nkonyeni and her department need. They follow on from confirmation of large-scale cheating at literally dozens of schools.

The DA believes that the MEC and her department have failed the class of 2014.

There is no greater gift that can be given to a young person than a quality education.

For more than 30 percent of pupils not to have obtained their matric certificate is not just dismal, it is an opportunity lost forever for many.

The DA earlier expressed its lack of confidence in MEC Nkonyeni’s ability to lead such a critical portfolio. We did so based on her poor track record as both health MEC and speaker in the KZN legislature.

Today’s results speak largely to MEC Nkonyeni’s capacity to take on this role.

The question now is what the MEC will do to restore confidence in her leadership ability and in KZN’s education department itself.


DA KZN Spokesman on Education

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