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Golden celebration for former Sheppie High pupils

Members of the class of 1964 came from all over to attend their 50-year reunion.

THANKS to the persistence and hard work of the organising committee, more than half the Port Shepstone High class of 1964 made it to their 50th year reunion at Zizi’s Restaurant in Umtentweni recently.

Many of the other classmates were at the golden celebration in spirit, with messages of goodwill coming from former pupils from all over the world.

It was an incredibly emotional weekend for all concerned. Some of those who gathered for the reunion had sad stories to share but there were many happy stories of fulfilment and success. One of the best known of the classmates was African adventurer and author Kingsley Holgate although he was certainly not the only classmate who has led an adventurous life after school. Many had fascinating tales to tell.

The reunion started with an emotionally charged tour of Port Shepstone High, led by `tour guide’ deputy principal Piet Theunnissen. A visit to the principal’s office brought back a few scary memories for some of the classmates.

Before tucking into a celebratory lunch, the class assembled for a photo session then classmates shared many memories and did some catching up of news over a delicious lunch. By 6pm, when most of the guests were still chatting away, snacks were served and the celebration continued well into the evening.

Everyone at the meeting thanked organisers Liz Page (nee Gilmour), Vic Bard, Mike Brauteseth and Sandy Brauteseth (nee Clayton) for going to so much trouble to contact their classmates. Thanks to their determination and detective work they were able to track down all but seven of the class of 1964. More than 50 classmates and their partners sat down to the reunion lunch.

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