Crime campaign creates awareness

Several sensible safety tips were given.

NEVER go outside at night to investigate a suspicious noise. This safety tip and many others were delivered to those who attended the crime awareness campaign meeting at Anerley Service Centre last Thursday.

After the attack on an 80-year-old woman in Oslo Beach two weeks ago, those living alone were encouraged to take precautions and to be extra aware of their surroundings. The elderly were well represented at the meeting and were given a list of safety tips that could save their lives if they were faced with a dangerous situation.

The campaign, organised by the Southport SAPS and Community Safety Organisation (CSO) South Coast has received high praise, so much so that another meeting with different content will be held in October. Representatives from SAPS, Hibiscus Coast Municipal Safety and Security, CSO and security service providers also addressed the community.

All residents were encouraged to erect large and visible house numbers on their gates so that emergency personnel can find addresses quickly in case of an emergency. It was suggested that women swap their handbags for the old-fashioned moonbag, which they can keep around their waists.

People were also advised to trim back bushes near windows or doors, not to allow strangers onto their property, to sleep with a torch next to their beds, to keep a whistle on their person and to get to know their neighbours.

“Let your neighbours know when you are going away and who should or should not be on your property,” said Community Safety Organisation chairman, John Irven.

An interesting tip given was to keep the interior lights off and switch only the exterior lights on should you hear suspicious activity outside after dark. This will enable you to see out without the intruder being able to see in. Ensure windows and doors are locked at night as criminals are now ‘fishing’ for items and don’t leave tools and ladders lying in the garden as these may help criminals gain access to your home.

Mr Irven explained that the Community Safety Organisation was not a vigilante group but rather a neighbourhood watch. It was also stressed that when people call the police for assistance they must give their name, phone number, street address and a landmark as quickly as possible. “Seconds can make all the difference. If you are calling the police with an emergency give them a landmark so they can find your house as fast as possible,” he said.

Mr Irven also suggested homes have layered defence such as CCTV cameras, security lighting, a good quality fence, gate and security guards and an alarm system in good working order.

Those who would like to receive crime updates and meeting reminders can email

SAPS emergency numbers:

SAPS Emergency 10111

SAPS Southport (day) 039 681 9900

SAPS Southport (night) 039 681 9905/6

HCM Safety and Security: 039 682 5555

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