Pensioner mauled by two pit bulls in KZN

The owner of two pit bulls who attacked an elderly man in the street has surrendered his dogs to the SPCA.

An Eastwood, KZN, pensioner is in hospital after being mauled by two pit bulls while walking in his neighbourhood on Monday.

Following the attack, residents are concerned for their safety, with some reporting that this is not the first time these dogs have attempted to attack people in the area.

Christopher Lotz was walking to catch a taxi with his wife when two pit bulls belonging to a local resident approached them and attacked him.

According to his daughter Nicola, the dogs spotted and approached them as they headed down Adelaar Road from Shepherd Road.

“The two pit bulls ran after my parents and tried to attack them. My father shielded my mum, giving her time to run away, which was when she ran for help,” says Nicola.

She explains that the dogs, one brown and the other black, bit her father on the neck, leg and arm.

Some neighbours watched in fear, [shouting] to try and stop the dogs. Luckily, the next-door neighbour saw what was happening and tried to scare the dogs off with his car. He also went to the owner of the dogs’ place of work while other neighbours called an ambulance.

She said her father is receiving treatment at Northdale Hospital.

Another pensioner, who did not want to be named, who lives two roads down from where the dogs’ owners live, said the dogs had tried to attack him and his grandchildren in his yard a while before they attacked Lotz.

“They entered my property and tried to attack me and my grandsons.”

He said he managed to defend himself with a broom.

“Shortly after the dogs left my yard, a car drove by and chased them away, which was when they ran up Adelaar Road and spotted the two pensioners,” he said.

The owner of the dogs, who did not want to be named, said when he left his home on Monday morning, his driveway gate was intact.

“It seems as though somebody had tampered with the driveway gate and broken one of the steel bars. It was unfortunate that the dogs used this space and managed to get through the gate, which was secure. We are responsible pet owners who always ensure that they are in the enclosed property.”

The owner said the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was called and they examined the property and found it to be secure.

“I had been issued with a warning on Monday. I then decided to surrender my dogs to the SPCA, which I did based on my own decision.

“My dogs have never bitten anyone prior to this and were a part of my family. We regret the incident and apologise to the family,” said the owner.

Another pit bull attack

This is not the first pit bull attack in the area.

In 2015, Nkosi Mathenjwa (31) was attacked by a pit bull while walking on Deodar Road in Eastwood, en route to work.

Mathenjwa sustained serious injuries, including an ear that was ripped off.

Despite attempts to defend himself, and help from bystanders, who had a spade, the dog continued to maul him until the owner arrived.

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