South Coast Fever

Funeral parlours to donate to Sheppie CBD forum

After the parlour representatives heard why they were called for, they asked the committee to excuse them so they could discuss the matter in private.

Representatives from funeral parlours in Port Shepstone were called to a meeting at the Port Shepstone Library on Tuesday this week by the Ugu Clean Up Committee (Port Shepstone Forum), which operates under the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco).

The committee chaired by Khangelani Caluza, who is also deputy secretary of Santaco in the Ugu region, said they asked the businesses to meet so that they could ask for donations.

Caluza said they have spent over R3m paying the members of the forum since its inception in 2022, and now they are feeling the pinch financially.

The forum was started to keep Port Shepstone CBD a crime-free zone.

After the parlour representatives heard why they were called for, they asked the committee to excuse them so they could discuss the matter in private.

Johannes Mkhize from Just Coffins said they received letters asking for a meeting but no explanation as to why.

“They took us by surprise, but when we got there, we heard what they were saying.”

Mkhize said an agreement was reached that each funeral parlour will donate a minimum of R120 every month.

He said each business will then decide if they want to donate more, depending on how the business is doing.

According to Mkhize, since the forum started operating in town, crime has dropped.

However, Caluza emphasised that if a business misses payment for a month, it does not mean it will owe the forum.

He said it’s simply a donation when they can do so and that it will not be a debt if unpaid.

Caluza said that they have also called on business people previously and will continue calling on them, as well as holding similar meetings.

“We are simply asking for donations; no one is being forced to donate. We have a bank account where deposits can be made; it does not matter how much.”

He said at times, they wanted to stop operating, however, as there is a need for the forum, they could not.

“Even now, we are thinking of stopping the operation, but that would mean ending jobs for people and also allowing crime to come back to our town. We have spent so much money on the forum, now we need support from businesses.”

He said anyone is welcome to donate. Contact Christian Nsusha on 072 6331896.

Johannes Mkhize from Just Coffins.


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