South Coast Fever

Point of View: Why write stories?

A good narrative can tell the truth about an issue that concerns or interests us through a fiction setting.

I could have titled this article ‘Why write novels?’ but stories can be told in any genre.

Though novels are the best way to narrate a narrative, stories can still be told through short stories, dramatic texts, screenplays and even poetry.

But why write stories?

Stories are written as a form of expression. It is a form of art where creativity can be exploded. It allows you to escape a reality full of challenges and enter something new or different.

A good narrative can tell the truth about an issue that concerns or interests us through a fictional setting.

The deeper meaning of any story can be narrated by strategically penning words together to create the message you want to convey.

Stories are not only written to create good literature but also to contribute something to the world, and any piece of literature first starts with an idea.

A thought that crossed your mind, a feeling you felt or a well-developed sketch you’ve been working on. Ideas can be found anywhere, even from everyday situations. From the places you visit to the people you encounter, any situation or experience can be turned into a great narrative.

It takes only one good story to impact the world, and this is, essentially, why literature is written.

To give us something to love, something to think about, something to talk about, something to motivate and encourage us, but stories are produced through non-literary works as well, such as paintings and video games.

They are produced for the same purpose as written works are, but as a different medium of art, they are experienced in a different way.

Stories are important. They are special, and we need them. It gives the writer a chance to express themselves, and it gives the reader freedom to experience a different reality or situation.

There is a certain joy in writing a story. Once the ideas start to flow, it generates a feeling of excitement and eagerness to create a masterpiece and share it with the world.

A similar passion, I’m sure, can be felt in other forms of art. Writing stories is essential for human life.

It is a way to express ourselves, a way to produce good literature, a way to make our mark in the publishing industry, and above all, a way to share our ideas and creativity with the world.

So write! Write to tell your story.


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