
BRONWYN TANNER: Tuning In – June is jam-packed with events

A fundraiser for Umsizi Vervet Rescue Centre is on June 13.

June – the sixth month. Thinking of all those folks who have been so badly affected by the weather in the past couple of days. Lives changed in seconds.

Tidy Towns Pennington have put out the results of the testing of the water at Pennington Beach. The results are all in the area of ideal.

Johan Scheepers from Umkomaas has been selected for the U/18 Southern KZN Rugby Tour, where he will be representing not only his school but also the district. To help him raise enough for the tour, there are four holidays being given away. Raffle tickets are one at R50 or three at R100. For tickets contact 064 4124775.

Desiree Bouillon lost credit cards, bank cards, ID card, and driver’s licence, which were in a Standard Bank blue pouch. These were lost on a trail from Nkomba to the Beach Café at Impithi, onto the Makamati Trail at Botha Place and to the dam/wetland Umdoni South and along Umdoni North. If you have any information, contact 072 4172856.

The Pennington Ski Boat Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary from June 14 to 16 from 10:00 daily. The event promises to be festive.

Pennington Conservancy, a non-profit, held a fundraising evening at the Beach Café last Friday evening in the form of a Greek evening. Entertainment was provided by the talented Leandros Stavrou. The turnout was festive. The solar lights in the area are such an improvement.

The lights have been turned on at the Pennington Municipality. Thank you to those involved.

Grateful thanks to Pieter Pretorius of Gladiator, Carla Comms and Leandros Stavrou for helping the lady in distress!

The Pennington Conservancy is holding a Fresh Food Festival at Shangrila, 46 and 58 Lagoon Drive, Bazley, on Sunday, June 9, from 10:00 to 15:00. For further information, contact 083 4415085.

The Bell is hosting a fundraiser for Umsizi Vervet Rescue Centre on June 13 from 18:00. All proceeds are to be used for the set up of a new depot on the South Coast for injured monkeys. For further information contact 039 9781483.

The Pennington Community Watch invites all interested parties to attend a meeting at the Pennington Ski Boat Club, Salmon Drive, on Thursday, June 20 at 18:00.

There is a Garden Club with Dr Elsa Pooley at the Yellowwood Nature Reserve on June 21 from 09:00.

There is a night market at Pennington Beach on June 21 from 15:00 to 20:00.

The NG Kerk is holding its fete/bazaar on June 29 from 07:00 in Glen Avenue/Ann Arbor Road, Scottburgh.

Tidy Towns Pennington Golf Day will take place at Umdoni Park on June 30. Funds raised will go towards paving the Pennington Beach car park. Sponsor a hole or a green. Donate prizes or cash. For more info, call 082 8879644 or 039 9751320.

The Pennington Rec Club Market Day will be back in action at Relton Hall on July 6.


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