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#Elections2024: ‘If I was president’

Read about what some of our South Coast learners had to say.

ZONQOBA GAMA: “If I was the president I would stop load shedding and water shedding. I would reduce poverty and build shelters for my people. I would put more rules to stop border crossings and keep us safe by getting better cops, soldiers and firefighters. Last but not least, I would provide employment for all my people.”

Zonqoba Gama – CS Skills Centre.

SONYA KUNI: “If I was president, I would ensure standard jobs for those who are unemployed. A vast number of our increasing population is unemployed. People struggle to meet their daily needs.”

Sonya Kuni – Izotsha Primary.

KARLO JACOBS: “As ek president was sou ek die land se uitdagings soos armoede, beurtkrag, water tekort en onderrig aanspreek en oplossings daarvoor aanhelp. Ek sal luister na die land se mense en strewe na beter toekoms vir almal.”

Karlo Jacobs – Suid-Natal Primêr.

KHUMO MOLEELE: “If I was president, I’d find a way to stop corruption. Laws would be fair for everyone. Leaders would be made to be honest, and fairness would be restored, making our country a better place for all.”

Khumo Moleele – Izotsha Primary.

KARLI DE BEER: “As ek president was sou ek “Blok-en-bless”! Maak verskil…sien die positief en elke saak. Beurtkrag is familietyd! Hoë brandstof is fiks-word-tyd. Stop jou boelie of misdadiger en seën hom. Met ander woorde, “Blok-en-bless”!”

Karli de Beer – Suid-Natal Primêr.

ELLA LEONARD: “If I was president, I’d improve children’s education by making school fees free so that all children can have an equal education to learn.”

Ella Leonard – Izotsha Primary.


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