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Biker raises awareness on elephants

SCH Local News | Kyle Malyon plans to complete 7 000km, all in support and creating awareness on elephants.

You may have spotted him or passed him on his motorbike along the South Coast last weekend. Well, if you did, his name is Kyle Malyon from Johannesburg.

Kyle, a motorcycle enthusiast and a lover of elephants is on a journey to complete 7 000 km through all nine provinces, all in support and creating awareness on elephants.

He now hopes through his ride to raise R30 000 for Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development (HERD).

‘The Mammoth Ride’ Kyle started on March 17 in Johannesburg will end sometime in April. “I’ve always liked elephants and after reading, ‘There’s an elephant in my kitchen’, I decided to do something epic with elephants in mind. I then did some research on elephant charities and found HERD.”

Kyle works as a relationship manager for a law firm and also runs a social motorcycle group. He enjoys travelling and reading.

His big plan is to raise awareness of what HERD does to assist orphaned elephants. Kyle said that during his solo ride, he will travel on tar roads close to the land and sea border. To make this ride a bit difficult, he will also include the two central provinces.

“I had no clue how much hard work goes into planning a journey like this. I am thankful that I have received help from businesses and individuals who donated towards this fundraising drive and all those who welcomed me.”


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