Local sport

Bus trip to a week of bowls

Even with lots of rain and heavy winds they won both their games..

The Kingfisher Bowls Ladies B side, achieved fourth place in their section, after recently competing against the best of the best in different districts and provinces in SA.

Even with lots of rain and heavy winds, they stayed strong as a team and kept on giving their best.
The team consisting of ages 54 to 65, and from different clubs from the South Coast, travelled 19 hours on a bus to George to compete in the Bowls South Africa ladies’ lawn bowls tournament.

“After our second last game, we were second on the log in our section, with a mere nine points behind Western Province (WP). Unfortunately, our last game was against WP and they proved that they were just the strongest team in our section and we fell with eight points that took us down to fourth position,” said Elize Duvenage, on behalf of the team.

“All in all, we had a wonderful week of bowls. A big thank you to our clubs and members for all their messages of support. Inter-districts 2024, done and dusted,” she added.

Waiting for the bus (back, from left) Amanda Taylor, Charmaine van der Westhuizen, Pauline Dunlop, Marian Knott and Lindie Samuel, with Gaynor Symons, Elize Duvenage and Dina van der Walt in front.


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