Local sport

Good golfing for Eagles

The next game will be at Selbourne.

Scottburgh Golf Club was the venue for this month’s Village Eagles game.

The course was in good condition, well done to the team. The day’s lost ball count was 82 for 64 players. Wikus van Kraayenburg took the prize for guessing this number correctly.

Best lady was Terry Bacchus on 40 individual points and Brian Navias took the men’s prize, also on 40 points. The winners on the day were Mike Eley, Alistair Eyres, Stan Sim and Derek Hodge on an alliance score of 91 points.

The longest day and collecting the Stones Trophy were Jim Holness, Ian Aitkin, Tony Redfern and Noel Jessup on 77 points. The results were calculated by Stan Sim and Alistair Eyres. Noel Jessop presented the results.

On the fines side, Derek Hodge was the master which was once again well supported.
The next game will be held at Selbourne on April 2. See you all there.



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