Local news

From councillor to speaker and now mayor

The mayors first priority is the state of roads in urban and rural area and the issue of Eskom.

The new mayor of Ray Nkonyeni Municipality (RNM), Zodwa Precious Mzindle says she has big shoes to fill, as former mayors have worked tirelessly to uplift the municipality.

Mzindle was elected as a PR councillor in 2020 then speaker of the municipality in November 2021.
She was sworn in as the mayor on Wednesday. The post has been vacant since last year, after the former mayor, Sikhumbuzo ‘Zero’ Mqadi took up the post of mayor at Ugu District Municipality.

In her speech, the mayor said she is committed to working collectively with councillors.

“I will continue to lead the way towards the realisation of building a better community in RNM.”
Mzindle said that there are no new initiatives, instead plans are to deepen the efforts towards delivering services to communities.

“Our communities need drivable roads, safe and healthy environments to live in, a municipality that attracts investments that will change their socio-economic conditions for the better and investments that will create job opportunities.”

She said that she is aware of the state of roads in urban and rural areas.

Mzindle stressed that at the next executive committee meeting, the municipal manager should present a report with clear timelines to finalise the appointment of contractors to repair urban and rural roads.

“We will want to know when they will be on the ground fixing our roads. If that report does not not tell us what we want to hear, it will not be accepted.”

She also said that her office will prioritise the issue of transformers with Eskom.
She added that she will ask her office to hold a meeting with Eskom, Amakhosi (chiefs) and community leaders to try and find a way to avoid situations where communities find themselves without electricity.
Councillors from the various political parties and Amakhosi congratulated her, wished her well and all promised to work with her in a manner that will uplift the community of RNM.


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