
OPINION: What of our suitably qualified graduates?

What a depressing thought that, after working your behind off for four years, you find that you are an unemployed young person with a degree.

I am confused and I get confused very easily. At the present, there are great aspersions being bandied about with regards this student financial assistance funding scheme.

The fat capital letters of its official name look very posh, but it is just a student cash cow – which has purported to have been plundered by parties unknown.

Anyway, bully for this intervention, which is to help the lost middle-class students gain access to college and an opportunity to further their studies.

Our great leaders readily advocate tertiary studies at places of higher education, however, if they are successful and have that grand moment of walking across the stage in black cap and gown – what then sir or madam?

I got the pilot’s licence but do not own an aeroplane, so I just will have to use the taxi.
What a depressing thought that, after working your behind off for four years, you find that you are an unemployed young person with a degree.

So, how about our government thinking the one step further and instigating/establishing, with government funds, factories and places of work capable of taking in suitably qualified graduates?

Now, my fellow South Africans, that would show to us that our government really does care about the future of South Africa and the leaders of tomorrow, our youth.



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