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Help a youngster become a lifeguard

Umtamvuna Lifesaving Club currently runs two junior and senior lifeguard courses a year.

Umtamvuna Lifesaving Club needs the community’s help so they can train more lifeguards – so in return – more lives can be saved.

Terri Burger from the club said they are always looking for sponsorships to help them achieve their goals each year.

“We have a fantastic club with committed members. Dean Collocott is our head instructor and our nipper coaches all give up their time for free to run our club,” she said.

Terri explained that they currently run two junior and senior lifeguard courses a year. Each course has about 10 to 12 candidates.

The candidates come from all over the South Coast to attend their courses.
Sadly, the cost of the course is often unaffordable for unemployed candidates.

The course fee is R2800 which includes club subs, books, equipment, examiner marking fees and examiner travel costs. The transport cost from Gamalakhe to Glenmore is about R100 each day.

Terri said that the club does sponsor some candidates and earlier this year they covered the costs for three members. Unfortunately, with this current course they are unable to assist as there are six members that are unable to pay the full cost. The exam was planned for December 9.

Their next course is planned for end January, early February 2024.

The club’s major functions are to:
1. Instruct and train young members of the community from age 14 to become lifeguards, providing them with life skills such as CPR and First Aid and an opportunity of employment in a healthy working environment, promoting a clean lifestyle. This is done at Glenmore beach.

2. To teach children between the ages of eight and 13 (nippers), about safety in the sea and on the beaches.
They are also taught basic First Aid and take part in regional and national lifesaving sporting competitions. Currently nipper programmes are running on Glenmore beach or Southbroom beach and St Mike’s beach each Sunday. Saints is running a nipper programme (under the licence of Umtamvuna) and they are growing, and will be hopefully a successfully running lifesaving club later in 2024

3. To teach micro-nippers from the ages of five to seven about water safety, body boarding and what to do to help someone in need in the ocean.

How can you help:
* Make a donation, no amount is too small
* Sponsor one lifeguard’s course (R2800)
* Annual signage on the club house (R2500)
Contact Terri on 082 3070744.

Training to save people (back, from left) Kevin Diya, Unathi Ngeleka, Themba Nzimakwe, Ankle Ngeleka (lifeguard on beach) and Sakhile Ncane, with Bandile Dlezi (Nipper), Kelvin Diya and Mduduzi Ncane in front.


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