
Certificate ceremony for CS Learning Centre

It was a memorable day for learners and staff.

It was an exciting time for CS Learning Centre last Thursday as the centre held its very first prizegiving – the Blue Certificate Ceremony!

It was an exceptional day as the students were on top form, shaking hands, singing songs, and reciting poetry.
Every student was acknowledged and lauded for their unique gifts and positive impact they have on those around them.

There was much cheering, clapping, and joyful laughter and the day was thoroughly enjoyed by students, teachers, and families alike.

The centre thanked all its students for their strength, delightful diversity and joyful impact, overall.
The staff are also thanked for their dedication, hard work and genuine affection for these incredible children.

At the ceremony, everyone also bid Wanda Tukute (14) farewell as he graduates and moves on.
He will be missed but is wished well for a bright future.

It was an incredible event to celebrate everyone’s achievements for 2023 and the centre looks forward to what 2024 will bring.


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