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Non-profit donates school shoes

Mduduzi Nyuswa, a former substitute teacher at the school intervened after seeing a number of learners without decent shoes.

Thirty learners from Dlukulwane Primary School in Gcilima received new school shoes recently.
It was generously donated by the SM Foundation, a non-profit, founded by Gamalakhe taxi owner Sbusiso Makhanya.

Mduduzi Nyuswa, a former substitute teacher at the school intervened after seeing a number of learners without decent shoes, and attending school in civvies.

He found that some of them were victims of house fires and had lost everything.

“I spoke to the principal and made a list of names of the children who needed assistance. He gave me permission to intervene and that is when I approached Sbusiso, as I had seen him assisting in similar projects. After a few phone calls, he got back to me and said he had 30 pairs of shoes,” explained Mduduzi.

Although September 1 was his last day at the school, he intends to continue his collection drive for jerseys, pants and shirts for learners who have nothing.

Sbusiso said he was happy to assist. “The reaction we got from the learners and staff was touching. They were so happy to see Mduduzi. Some of the learners came running out of the classrooms and asked him to come back,” he said.

“His humility was shown in this initiative and I hope that he will get a permanent teaching post, so he can continue making a difference in the lives of learners.”

The principal, Nkululeko Mhlamvu was grateful for the donation.

“We are an underprivileged school and will appreciate any help,” he said.
Anyone wishing to donate uniforms and jerseys for learners at Dlukulwane Primary should contact Mduduzi on 078 2248176 or Sbusiso on 082 961 0577.


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