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Police receive certificates for excellent work

Major General Nxamagele thanked the members for the impact they make in the community.

Ugu District Commander, Major General Sethenye Nxamagele handed over certificates to Margate Saps members at Mpenjathi recently.

The certificates were in recognition of hard work, commitment and dedication, to ensure that a suspect of incitement to public violence and assault was overpowered and arrested at St Michael’s Beach in 2020.
Furthermore, Margate drugs team was also awarded certificates for being placed first in the province when it came to arrests.

Nxamagele thanked the members for the impact they make in the community.

She also emphasised that the public is relying on the men and women in blue to be able to live in a safe environment, and she also thanked the Margate station commander and management for a well organised and successful event.


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