
Reviving Paradise: There’s money in muck

If you know of local recycling systems that are efficient and effective, let’s talk.

For nearly four years, The Green Net has been trying to source effective recyclers and systems in our region. We’re committed to zero waste and were delighted to learn about such a system at the Wild Coast Sun, where they managed to maintain zero waste to landfill from December 2016 until July 2022.

In 2021 SA ranked as the 11th worst plastic polluter globally, with the average person generating 41kg of plastic waste every year, which is considerably higher than the average global per capita of 29kg. It’s not always our fault – in 2018, 35% of households did not receive weekly waste collection. So, what can we do?

Separate at source: Compost kitchen scraps (excluding animal products), weeds, non-treated wood shavings, foliage from clippings, shredded newspaper and any other compostable materials. This will reduce what goes to landfill and provide nutrition for the food we should all be planting to ensure food security.

Recycle: Glass, aluminium, tin, metals, paper, cardboard and recyclable plastics. Currently less than 10% of general waste is recycled in South Africa. Campaign for effective systems in your area. We have some ideas – let’s chat!

Good news: Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), gazetted on November 5 in 2020, means that producers must, as a minimum, follow requirements for cleaner production and design, and choose materials for recyclability and waste minimisation, avoidance and reduction. This will all lead to less ‘bad stuff’ going to landfill.

Additionally, there’s a new PRO on the block: Public Responsibility Organisations which producers have to join, and who will regulate their compliance.

TGN has for some time spoken of the circular economy: a regenerative system in which resource inputs and waste, emissions and energy leakages are minimised by slowing, closing and narrowing energy and material loops, which can be achieved through long-lasting design, maintenance, repair, reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishing, and recycling – and, most importantly, keeping the money local.

If you know of local recycling systems that are efficient and effective, let’s talk. Coastal Waste Management are the current champions, and we believe there are other players/systems on the way.

The recycling chain.


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