South Coast Fever

Campaign to support local businesses launched

Sourcing local ingredients and materials will be a game-changer for the local and national economy.

“We need to shift the mindset that suppliers beyond our borders are better than our own,” said Phelisa Mangcu, CEO of South Coast Tourism and Investment Enterprise (SCTIE).

Mangcu was speaking during the #buylocal campaign to support local businesses and to drive economic growth on the South Coast.
She said this local-first initiative encourages communities and stakeholders to support local businesses, grow existing investments and thereby encourage job creation.

“This forms part of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition’s (DTIC) Buy Back SA initiative that encourages local business support as a way to create jobs and secure the country’s future by making it much more self-reliant. We need to shift the mindset that suppliers beyond our borders are better than our own,” said Mangcu.

She added that the South Coast offers a distinctive local flavour with suppliers manufacturing and providing goods that meet local market needs, saying that there is an incredible amount of talent and skill which, through support, will only flourish and grow.
Mangcu said that sourcing local ingredients and materials will be a game-changer for the local and national economy.

“By buying local, we’re strengthening the local economy, building communities, and forming a solid and resilient network that will withstand any future uncertainties. Considering the economic devastation of the recent pandemic, resilience in the local economy is absolutely essential. Be a proud local and buy local,” she said.
She added that the top seven reasons to buy local include the fact that there’s a decrease in fossil fuel use when buying locally as it decreases the transportation needs from manufacturer to buyer.
She said supporting local businesses creates a greater sense of community as sellers and manufacturers get to know their buyers, and vice-versa.

She added that supporting the #buylocal campaign creates many more local jobs and boosts the local economy.
“Buying locally grown produce is better for the environment and better for you as it’s farm-to-fork fresh. Local businesses are identifiable, accessible, and more accountable than outside counterparts. Buying local creates a much more resilient local economy, allowing organisations and communities to better withstand times of economic uncertainty. Through the #buylocal campaign, the KZN South Coast is ‘growing its pride’ to attract interest and investment from beyond local borders,” said Mangcu.


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