
Extra-curricular activities pick up at Izotsha

The U13A cricket team played against Southcity. Izotsha won by five wickets.

It’s over half way in the first term at Izotsha Primary School and the pace of work and extra-curricular activities has picked up.
The U13A cricket team played against Southcity. Izotsha won by five wickets. The U11A and U13B cricket teams played against Margate. The U11A team won by six wickets.
The Foundation Phase hosted a successful championship gala. Age group winners are: Grade 1- Robbie Jones and Avery Nicholls, Grade 2 -Tydan Nadauld and Eve Steynberg, Grade 3 – Grayson Greco and Zara Moodley.

A successful high school fair was held as well.
It was wonderful to see such a good turnout of Grade 6 and 7 parents and learners from local schools at the event, where 17 high schools from around KZN displayed their wares.

There was a vibrant atmosphere in the hall with all the schools’ bright banners and information on display. Parents and learners were able to ask the necessary questions that they had to the respective schools.

The U13A boys’ and girls’ hockey teams were invited to play curtain-raiser matches for the opening of the Creston College Astro Turf. The girls lost 3-0 and the boys lost 1-0.
It was a privilege for the players to be included in this event. They all looked smart in their respective hockey outfits.

The Scouts, Cubs and Brownies wore their respective uniforms to school to celebrate ‘World Thinking Day’, the birthday of their founder Lord Robert Baden-Powell..
Thomas Delport, Kirsty Koegelenberg and Ella Bunge participated in the KZN provincial swimming trials at Kings Park Swimming pool.
Jaime Mather-Pike raised over R2 000, on her own, for Cansa.


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