Local sport

Farewell to our guide post – Scottburgh GC loses landmark tree

An Individual Stableford will be played this Saturday.

Scottburgh Golf Club lost one of its major trees last Monday, the tree in question being the one that graced the fairway on the 18th hole, near the workshop.
This tree had stood for many years and was a guidepost to us ‘faders’ coming towards the green.

We knew if we aimed for it our fade would bring it back and maybe give us hope of a par. Alas, it is now only a skeleton of what it was.
Thanks to Clyde Leisegang and his farm workers the debris was cleared within two days and now we have to play by memory.

The recent heatwave we experienced for the last couple of weeks was finally broken on Wednesday of all days.
There were a few hardy souls that went out, got wet, went home, but for the majority of us we wimped out of it.

This is what was left after cleanup.

Nevertheless, the course needed a soaking and it refreshed the drying out greens.
DisChem/Local Choice has renewed its sponsorship for the monthly medal for another year, for which we are eternally grateful.

Saturday was the first one for this year and produced a fantastic winning score commensurate with the sponsorship.

In the A division, Nivash Mahabeer came along and took the best gross with 74 and, as usual Barry Kisten took the nett with 80.

Org Viviers, another local farmer, took the B division gross with 78 and Heera Mahabeer was not to be outdone by son Nivash and took the nett with 73.

Brian Richards scored 38 Stableford points to win the C division just one ahead of Gary Jones on 37.
The Alliance was taken with 91 points by Brian Richards, Denis Brown and Wayne Simpson with Spoekie making his first spectral appearance of the year.

Stone Last was warmly applauded as Captain Bob Hall lifted the trophy along with Graham Brown Deane Jooste and Tony Power, four of our usual winners.

Brian Richards got his hat-trick by scooping the hidden holes and Org Viviers claimed the January medal with a fantastic 61 nett.
We said goodbye during the week to Mark and Sarah Falle as they headed back to Jersey and work.

As part of the Beckerly family Sarah, Mark, Dave and Janet sponsored two fantastic competitions during their stay. We wish them well and look forward to their return.

Coming up on Wednesday is a betterball Stableford and another of our sponsors who has generously renewed their sponsorship Umthunzi Hotel and Conference Centre will be played on Saturday as usual as an Individual Stableford.

Flyer’s footnote: When your shot has to carry over a water hazard you can either, hit one more club or two more balls.


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