
OPINION: ‘Some are more equal than others’

Perhaps, if the Eskom management and EXCO members went home to no electricity (remove their generators) and no piped water, their perspective on the crisis would change?

Just recently, I was quite amazed to hear, on RSG radio, an Afrikaans translation of George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm – now titled Diere Plaas.

I had read it years ago and it was comforting to visit an old friend, even if cloaked in another language.
The gist of the story is that ‘we are all equal, but some are more equal than others’.

This concept made me wonder that if we were all subjected to the shortcomings of our broken domestic infrastructure, would things not be repaired a lot faster and a lot more correctly?
Perhaps, if the Eskom management and EXCO members went home to no electricity (remove their generators) and no piped water, their perspective on the crisis would change?

I heard that when there were water stoppages in Durban, a well placed member of the council had a water tanker parked at his house. How convenient.
What about us, your fellow South Africans? Remember sir, we actually collectively pay your salary and for the perks you enjoy, and you also put your pants on, one leg at a time.

This is where ‘we are all equal, however, some are more equal than others’ is so apparent.
Pity these more equal persons do not think back to the time before they became so self consumed in their own greatness.

Humility makes one a more caring individual and shows one actually cares for those people who voted for you and trusted you would deliver on your ‘now empty’ promises.



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