South Coast Fever

Women’s Month: “The little I can do, comes from a point of love”

Women are special species.

Shelly Beach resident, Joann Govender is one inspirational woman who says her motto is – “Love God and love people.”

Govender said giving and sacrificing for the good of others is one of the highest forms of love, and giving and sacrificing is the basis of some of the most meaningful, powerful and purposeful relationships.

The Fever spoke to Govender on what makes her a women of note who cares for others.

“Inspirational woman, wow, that’s a tall order and equally a humbling compliment, I still have a long way to go. I try to inspire people as I go along my journey. I’m not perfect, I have failed and I have fallen, “she said.

Govender said no-one is perfect, however, she tries everything in her power to make every day count.

“I have made mistakes, but, I continue to wake up, shake the dust off myself, clean myself up and keep going. I hope that my life experiences have and will indeed continue to let other women know that they do not have to walk life’s journey alone whether on a high or a low, we are powerful in numbers.

“We are more powerful whether we are crying together or celebrating our victories,” she emphasised.

Govender has been involved in community work, counselling, coaching and mentoring others and vows she will and will continue to reach out.

“I am blessed to be called a woman and be part of a movement of powerful and amazing women who raise strong women, who don’t shy away from sharing the responsibility of raising the next generation of warriors..

“It’s more than just doing good for others. By doing good, we empower and inspire others to do more, to be more and go further than we have, it’s a beautiful cycle of paying it forward however you can.”

Govender works in transformation and consults on matters regarding Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE), employment equity and skills development.

She said one of the highlights of her work is empowering businesses to embrace women at all levels who come from all walks of life, and to give them an opportunity to bring their intelligence to the workplace and ultimately to the boardroom.

“Women have the right to be heard and have their opinion counted for. I am specifically moving towards skills development for young women specifically on the South Coast, so watch this space, it’s coming soon!”

“Women’s month means so many things but most importantly, to me, it means uplifting, capacitating and empowering another woman to realise her full potential enabling her to reach for the stars, and create a legacy that will empower the next generation of young women.”

The mother who aims to inspire even her own children says she loves being a woman.

“Women in particular are the most incredible of all species. We are a mixed bundle of talents, gifting, strengths and not forgetting our human frailties.

“We are the foundation of our society, our families and despite being warriors, we too need to be cared for on so many levels. As strong as we are, we are also soft and need love and care,” she added.

Her advise to other women is simple. “Life happens, the good, the bad and the ugly. What are you going to do? You can lay down and give up and give in. I say grieve in your own way, but not too long, get up, dust yourself then most importantly, forgive yourself then forgive those that hurt you,” concludes Govender.


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