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Golfers win big in individual Stableford competition

Pete also found the hidden holes and regular winner Tony Power stepped up again this time to polish the Stone just for a change.

Last week I had to report the passing of Kevin Beardsworth, and this week I have the unfortunate task of reporting the passing of Brian Selvan’s wife Mary after a long illness.

To both families our deepest condolences. On Saturday evening before prizegiving, a moment’s silence was held in respect of both Kevin and Mary.

It was back to normal golf last Wednesday after the 200mm downpour. Some of the fairways have been partitioned off and players are requested to drive their buggies outside these demarcated areas.

It was a Combined Stableford last Wednesday with a fantastic score of 75 being recorded by husband and wife Pete and Alex Morris. Captain Bob Hall and Geoff Thommasen thought they’d canned it with 69 but it was only good enough for second place.

Pete also found the hidden holes and regular winner Tony Power stepped up again this time to polish the Stone just for a change.

The Umthunzi Hotel and Conference Centre were the sponsors of last Saturday’s Individual Stableford. This is a very popular and looked forward to competition as can be seen by the field.

Nivash Mahabeer showed dad Heera how to do it by scoring 39 points to win a two night stay for two at the hotel. Wayne Simpson came close with 37 and won a one night stay for two at the same venue. Jason Gilliver won the wine prize with 36 which I’m sure mom and dad will enjoy.

The hidden holes were found again this time by Lauren Davey and the Gillivers went to town on the 2 clubs with Pete, Hayley and Jason all claiming birdies. Coenie du Bruyn made his mark by picking up the Stone with a score that is best left a secret.

Coming up on Wednesday is a betterball Stableford to get us ready for this Saturday’s (4h) P&G Construction day.

On Sunday we had a course clean up with several members giving up their lay in to help wherever they could. The same will happen again this Sunday (5th) so please come along and enjoy a wors roll and beer afterwards.

The wheelbarrow in the bar is already filling up with beer, whisky, brandy and wine for the Sardine Run raffle. If you have any spare for the aforementioned please come along and donate whatever you can, any donation is welcome.

Flyer’s footnote: Golf is like driving a car, the older you get the more careful you become.

Low Flyer


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