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One Hundred Club kicks off

First recipient of the Stone of Scottburgh unfortunately fell to our hardworking greenkeeper Graham Brown who through the holidays has worked tirelessly with his team to keep the course in good condition.

It’s the start of another new year and let’s hope that it’s better than the previous two.

Kicking the bejesus out of Covid would be a great start which would get us all back to something referred to as ‘normal’, so here’s wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year especially on the golfing front.

Things got off well at Scottburgh Golf Club for Rupert Jones last Wednesday as he totalled 33 points for a three way count out win over Denis Brown and Leon van Zyl, the hidden holes are still away, but Les Huddle and Wayne Simpson found 2 clubs easily come by.

First recipient of the Stone of Scottburgh unfortunately fell to our hardworking greenkeeper Graham Brown who through the holidays has worked tirelessly with his team to keep the course in good condition.

The birthday boys of October, November and December put up the prizes for last Saturday’s game played as a twisted Alliance. Twisted or not Jason Gilliver, Jack Cubitt, Liam Parker-Dennison were kept on their toes by old man Russel Freeman to amass 83 points to take the joints.

Doc Mahabeer and Barry Kisten had to employ the ghosts of Christmas past and future to get second place with 75 and in third place Coenie du Bruyn, Hilton McAuliffe, Herman Grotius and Gary Jones stepped forwards for their 70 points.

Nearest the pins went to Jason Gilliver 2nd, Herman Grotius 5th, Barry Kisten 10th, Jack Cubitt 13th and Les Huddle17th.

Jason and Les further capitalised on their close tee shots by rolling in for birdies, the hidden holes were snapped up by Liam P-D, Jason and Wayne Simpson.

Not satisfied with his golfing prizes, Jason then added the attendance prize R120, but came up short choosing the wrong card in search of the Joker.

On Wednesday a betterball Stableford and on Saturday P&G Construction will be renewing their monthly betterball thanks to Paul and Gina Tedder.

The Nomads are opening their year at Scottburgh on Tuesday, January 18 and if you are looking to join them in a game, please contact Bob Hall or Deane in the office. Also it’s the start of a new year for the One Hundred Club, tickets are R100 each and prizes run from April to December and can be purchased in the office.

Flyer footnote: The latest statistical survey of golfers height conducted by a major retailer reveals that the average player is seldom as tall as his stories.



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