
My Take: That’s out of bounds

It seems I may have recently killed two birds (birdies??) with one stone.

It has been quite difficult to make new friends during the lockdown. It has also been a bit tricky trying to introduce new people to the sport of golf, of which I am obviously fond, and which I believe is vital for tourism in our area.

However, it seems I may have recently killed two birds (birdies??) with one stone.

ALSO READ: My Take: ‘Next year?’ Not anymore for Liverpool fans

The other day I took my clubs and pull-cart to work, ready for the business day at Port Shepstone Country Club that afternoon.

First to arrive at the office on a chilly morning, I lugged the bag inside, but left the cart near the shed.

The office alarm was blaring – probably our resident cat again – so I took a few moments to look around, including in the murky shadows in production for any signs of a break-in. There were none.

So, I trundled back outside to fetch the cart and that was where I met my new friend who seemed most eager to take up the sport. Well, he must have been as he was kindly carrying my cart with him down the road.

Clearly it was because he had an interest in taking up the sport. What other reason could there be? When he didn’t respond to my polite ‘hello’, I yelled ‘Yeka!’ and then just to be sure: ‘leave it!’

My new friend’s head spun round so fast I thought his next stop would be the chiropractor.

Wide-eyed, he just stared at me for a few stunned seconds, dropped the cart and scampered away. Without paying for a round – a little disappointing.

Turns out the same rogue has tried to steal stuff from our work bakkies, and according to some colleagues, is a new ‘street thief’ in the area.

Hopefully he does not try these tricks again.

On a more serious note, I wonder what on earth he thought he was stealing. The pull-cart is an odd looking and ugly piece of golf equipment, especially without a golf bag on it. On top of that it’s heavy and difficult to carry.

If he was taking it for scrap metal, he wouldn’t get much as it’s mostly plastic anyway. However, the incident has revealed the desperation that exists in society today.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, life was difficult.This has pushed it to the edge, if not over it and it really is a battle for survival now.

So while it’s fun to get out and play some golf, thoughts are very much with those at the forefront of the battle against the virus and its unfortunate ripple effects.


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