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Teenage holidaymaker murdered for cellphone

She was stabbed four times.

A YOUNG girl on holiday with her was stabbed to death at Trafalgar yesterday.

This senseless murder has left her family and local residents shocked and sickened.

According to reports the teenager came to the village on holiday with her father and friends yesterday. The teen was apparently stabbed four times by a man intent on stealing her cellphone.

According to police spokesman, Lieutenant-Colonel Zandra Wiid, the girl  and a friend went for a walk at about 6pm.

“They were walking from their beach house when they saw a man approaching. They decided to turn around and return to the house. As they neared the gate leading to the house, the man came up behind them and asked for the cellphone in broken English,” said Lt-Col Wiid.

It is believed the girl refused to hand over the phone and put up a fight. The man stabbed her in the arm, groin and chest. She was rushed to hospital where she later died.

No arrests have been made.

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