
Save water… or else, says Ugu

Ugu District Municipality calls on residents to save water as it faces one of the driest periods in history.

HALVE water consumption voluntarily or restrictions might have to be put in place, says the Ugu District Municipality.

The Ugu district is apparently one of the hardest hit by what is said to be the worst and most prolonged drought in KwaZulu-Natal in 30 years.

Spokesman Sipho Khuzwayo said the province had been declared a disaster area by the National Department of Water and Sanitation.

Without decent rain at the sources, dam levels were very low and, at the same time, demand for water was high because of the heat.

Mr Khuzwayo said it was imperative that all communities understood the need to conserve.

He urged householders to stop using hosepipes or council mains to water gardens or wash vehicles, paths and paved areas.

Irrigation, sprinkler systems and automatic flushing urinals should also not be used.

If the appeal to save water voluntarily proved ineffective, the municipality would be forced to impose strict water restrictions.

“The municipality has implemented water shedding in areas with the highest demand. We appeal to all communities to comply and to play their part in assisting us save water.” He asked anyone who noticed a water leak to contact their ward councillor or to telephone 08000 WATER (92837) or (039) 688 5830/36 or sms 44751 to report it.

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