Local news

Andhra’s elect new committee

Members highlighted the challenges faced by the Sabha in respect of theft and vandalism as well as the escalating costs of utility bills.

The Port Shepstone and District Andhra Sabha held its 67th Annual General Meeting at the Andhra Hall last Wednesday. For those members who were unable to attend the AGM reports were made electronically available on the official Andhra Sabha social media group.

Reggie Kistamurthy was re-elected to the position as chairperson and head of the organisation expressed his gratitude and thanks to all members for their support. Following an unanimous acceptance of a constitutional amendment, with the exception of the trustees, elections for the executive committee shall now be elected at the biennial general meeting called for the purpose. The term of office for the current elected committee and future exco committee elections shall be two years.

Also elected onto the executive committee include Venu Soobramany and Saroj Reddy (vice-chairpersons ), Logan Naidu (treasurer), Johnny Rajoo (pro/assistant secretary), Dharshan Reddy (secretary). Paul Rampul was elected the honorary auditor of the organisation.

For 2021/2022, the chairperson in his report highlighted the challenges faced by the Sabha in respect of theft and vandalism as well as the escalating costs of utility bills. On a more encouraging note, renovation and repairs to the historic Andhra Temple has been completed through the generous donations and sponsorships of Sabha members and their families. At the AGM a large working committee was elected but at its first monthly meeting various sub-committees will be formed and members will co-opted based on their expertise at its next council meeting at the Andhra Hall on Wednesday, August 3 at 19:00. All members are requested to attend.

Temple prayer
The Shree Raam Narayan Mandir in Marburg (Dairy Road) invites all to its annual Ganga Pooja to be held at the temple this Saturday, July 30 at 2pm. Prasad and supper will be served. Don’t miss local music band Sheppie Nagara on the day. The temple will also host its Pancho Pooja (community prayer) on Sunday, July 31 at the temple from 07:30. Locals are invited to enjoy a session of bhajans and kirtans by Nagara Touch from Durban. Prasad and lunch will be served after the prayer. For further information contact Singh Samsunder at 083 300 8382 or 039 6854767.

The Shree Raam Narayan Mandir in Marburg will host Nagara Touch at the temple this Sunday.

Boy scouts
Port Shepstone is excited to announce the opening of the Boy Scouts Group. An open day launch is planned for Saturday, August 13. For further information contact Ronald Mark at 082 8238192. Meetings will be held at the Girl Guides/Scout Hall at 29 Mitchell Drive, Port Shepstone.

Tidy Towns
Show your support and make Port Shepstone great again by working together. Support the Tidy Towns Port Shepstone team to make the beachfront safe again. the Tidy Towns team have started and are doing an amazing work. Join the beachfront clean-up campaign and help subsidise cleaning staff for a day or even a week at R150 per day per person which includes a hot meal. For further details contact Morgan Naidoo at 076 238 9826.

Send news to sugann@dbn.caxton.co.za.


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