
Izotsha Primary brings book characters to life

There was a jovial, fun-filled atmosphere at the school last Wednesday as it celebrated World Read Aloud Day.

Izotsha Primary School experienced a busy week last week with the beginning of the extra-curricular programme.

Despite the heat, the learners really enjoyed attending sports practices again.

Congratulations to the following learners who fared well at the Ugu District/Harry Gwala swimming trials for the 2022 season.

Michaela Reen dressed up as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, reads an excerpt aloud to her Grade 7 class.

Aimee Heydricks, Jesse Mather-Pike and Ella Bunge achieved district colours and were selected for the KZN Trials. Andrew Cornhill also received his district colours.

There was a jovial, fun-filled atmosphere at the school last Wednesday as it celebrated World Read Aloud Day.

Learners dressed up as their favourite book character for the day. Various activities across the grades were held to celebrate the day.

Khumo Moleele dressed as Miss Trunchbull from Matilda.

The staff attended a Quality Management System (QMS) workshop last Friday afternoon.


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