
In my view: Every home needs a grandmother

She is often in my thoughts but naturally, I spent that day replaying tons of memories we shared with her, most of which was subconsciously.

My family and I spent the last weekend sweltering (like many others) thanks to the recent heatwaves we’ve been experiencing.

Although, Saturday seemed rather bittersweet as it marked 11 years since my maternal grandmother passed away.

I know that 11 years sounds like a long time, but her passing is still so vivid to me that it feels like it was only a few months ago. When the reality of how much time has lapsed since then, it definitely surprises me.

ALSO READ: In my view: A rollercoaster of a year

She is often in my thoughts but naturally, I spent that day replaying tons of memories we shared with her, most of which was subconsciously.

I miss her everyday, rightfully so as she lived with us. My siblings and I would spend most of our time with her and my grandfather while my parents were at work.

Strange enough, I crossed paths with another elderly woman on Monday who also gave off a very loving, grandmotherly kind of vibe which I was immediately drawn to.

Anyway, the two incidents had me constantly thinking about how grandmothers really are the absolute best.

The reasons are endless, but I thought I’d share just a few of my own.

If you were to ever imagine an unsurpassed support system, complete with good listening skills, wisdom, prayers and love that knows no bounds, it would be a grandmother.

Another personal favourite is how my grandmother was always in the kitchen, trying out new recipes or perfecting the old ones. An added advantage was licking the cake batter off the spoon or taste testing the biscuits she was entering into some competition.

Her kitchen skills would soon rub off on her daughters, and I will admit the baking aspect rubbed off on me.

Moving on, grandmothers are somehow always able to fix or make things. From a loose button to a new dress and even sewing clothes for my Barbie dolls, I would have sworn there was nothing she couldn’t do, armed with a needle and thread.

Let us not forget how proud grandmas seem to be of you no matter how big or small an achievement is. They always strategically ‘forget’ the instances where we slip up but go on for months on end about all the good we may have done.

They never forget a birthday or an anniversary and will make an effort to remember every milestone.

I remember my grandfather would often sit in their room helping my grandmother cut out newspaper clippings if one of us were ever in the paper or something similar. We often reminisce over them now, still kept safely in place in old photo albums which often leads to a good laugh.

Last but certainly not least is love. A grandmother’s love really is unconditional, it’s the best kind and something to be truly valued.


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