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Ramsgate marine ramble cleaned up

Volunteers agreed picking up the litter was good exercise and fun to boot.

Members of the community teamed up with the Ramsgate Community Policing Forum, in association with Ramsgate Tourism and the Ramsgate Conservancy, to clean up the local marine ramble last Saturday.

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Volunteers met at Ramsgate tidal pool car park, and from there they were ferried to Big Tree Beach. They then strolled along the Ramsgate marine ramble, clearing the coastline of waste and debris.

Keeping the ramble spotless is Grant Goodhead. 7903vee

At the end of the clean up, participants were given a soft drink and boerewors roll. One volunteer, Grant Goodhead told the Herald that this initiative will go along way to protecting the ocean and raising awareness about beach pollution.

Lending a helping hand are Deon Opperman and Martinique Potgieter. 7895vee

“Volunteers of all ages contributed to the success of this campaign. We are seeing an increase in the number of beach clean-ups being organised, as the public is beginning to realise that all debris eventually finds its way into our oceans and endangers marine life.”


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