
5 Creative and inexpensive ideas for Valentine’s Day gifts

Treating your loved one to something special need not break the bank.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so why don’t you show that special someone how much you care?

Valentine’s Day is a once-a-year day that is dedicated to romance, with many people giving cards, letters, flowers or presents to their spouse or partner.

However, there are many loving, caring and generally great people out there who simply can’t think of a single romantic thing to do, let alone create the ultimate Valentine’s Day experience for their loved one. Not many of us can afford expensive gifts or dinner, so here are 5 cheap and creative  ideas for you to try on Valentine’s Day, as suggested by our sister Caxton publication, Ladysmith Gazette

1. DIY Gift Basket – Everyone loves a gift basket, but it can be expensive to buy one, so here is how you can recreate your own unique Valentine’s basket. Look for Valentine’s Day themed coffee mugs, or red and white (or pink) dishes, and other decorations. This is great, as they are practical and last a long time.

Then simply fill these with your partner’s favourite treats or products, wrap with coloured cellophane and you have your very own gift basket.

2. At-Home Restaurant
Create a restaurant at home. This one is great for just staying in and spending time with one another and not breaking the bank at a restaurant.

3. Homemade Treats

Make cookies or cupcakes at home instead of buying them, and it’s a great alternative to the mainstream chocolates that are usually given. These treats are filled with love and are bound to make anyone feel a little sweeter on Valentine’s Day. You can easily make heart-shaped cupcakes in a regular muffin tin, even if you do not have any themed cookie cutters or baking pans.

4. Potted Plant vs Flowers: Consider a potted plant, especially if your partner is an avid gardener. Not only will it last year-round, but potted plants tend to be less expensive than cut flowers. Some stores offer potted miniature rose plants or other flowering plants. It’s a different approach and there is a ton of variety.

5. Picnic
Plan a picnic if the weather is nice. You supply the food and drink and a nice blanket. Find your favourite place and just hang out. This is great, as many don’t stop and just relax, especially with the person they love.


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