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Probe into claims of political murder

A new task team has been appointed to investigate.

POLITICAL killings were condemned by Parliament Speaker and National Chairman of the ANC, Baleka Mbethe, during her visit with Home Affairs Minister and ANC national executive committee (NEC) member Malusi Gigaba to families of recently murdered victims in Gamalakhe last Saturday.

Ms Mbethe said there was a growing concern from the party’s NEC over shootings allegedly associated with political in-fighting in the Lower South Coast Region.

Last month the Herald reported two shooting incidents in Gamalakhe, where ANCYL deputy chairman’s brother, Manqoba Ncane (31) and ANC REC member’s sister, Nontokozo Lubanyana (38), were shot and killed.

“We have tasked a team that will be headed by Department of Justice Minister, Jeff Radebe and former SAPS Minister Bheki Cele to investigate these killings. We believe the culprits are within the party and they must be dealt with,” said Ms Mbethe.

No arrests have been made yet as police are still investigating.


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