
Butthead’s Beat: Dagga guru cops out

A Durban dagga expert left about 100 women high and dry this week.

TUESDAY Rostrum women are huffing and puffing as this week’s guest speaker just didn’t pitch.

The Durban man, a self confessed expert on cannabis (dagga), telephoned to say he was on his way to the monthly luncheon at Mbango Valley. However, he left his audience dry, but not high.

They haven’t heard from him since and can only surmise that either he cracked up or wafted off somewhere else by mistake.

The joint was packed with nearly 100 women eager to hear whether there was any merit in adding cannabis oil in particular to their medicine chest.

Rizlas had to be abandoned and this rather boisterous bunch were left to entertain themselves.

Tuesday Rostrum has been going for yonks and is renowned for attracting great speakers. Needles(s) to say, the jury is still out on the man.

Being a rather broad-minded luncheon group (open to all), Tuesday Rostrum never shies away from controversy. How they haven’t been roped into the Mpenjati nudist beach debate yet is rather strange. Any guest speakers out there prepared to go the ‘Full Monty’?

The lunch is held every second Tuesday of the month. Ironically, that’s the same day that many of the husbands will be playing their monthly Nomads golf game. Coincidence? Mmmm.

Puns and jokes aside, a debate around cannabis might have been a breath of fresh air compared to the dung being flung during the run-up to the local government elections.

Many will argue that cannabis is a stepping stone to the stronger stuff and it’s hard to argue against that in a country where drugs are often the root cause of crime.

But surely the same argument can be used for alcohol? Even worse, booze turns drivers into killers. As an example, take the two cyclists who died on a Durban highway last weekend when a motorist, allegedly under the influence, smashed into them.

On the other hand, has there ever been a case of ‘driving under the influence of dagga’?

Also, there could be green ‘gold in them thar hills’. The mielie crop might be taking strain in the drought, but a weed like cannabis is probably a lot more hardy. One doesn’t want the green, green grass of home to be totally illegal, but cannabis is accepted in many first world cities like Amsterdam and even in a few states in America.

OK, we also don’t want to become a Colombia, but surely there must be some merit in exploring the prospects of exporting the stuff somewhere, legally, at R16 to the dollar?

Or am I just sniffing glue here?


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