Rust-Ter-Vaal community unites against drug addiction

On the day, recovering addicts from various communities and organizations were able to share their stories on how they were able to overcome addiction and turn their lives around for the better.

VEREENIGING. – The community of Rust-Ter-Vaal is united in the fight against drug addiction. This became evident on June 16,Youth Day when an organisation dubbed ‘The Truth Shall Set You Free’ held the third annual drug awareness campaign. The event was held at the Rust-Ter-Vaal community hall parking lot.

The event was attended by scores of people from the community in support of those who a re plagued by drug addiction. Present at the event was also various government departments including law enforcement and emergency services.

Speaking about the event, Ranleigh Pitt says: “Our movement was founded in 2021. We are a group of recovering addicts from all over Gauteng who were saved by grace. We go around various communities sharing news about recovery and life after drugs.”

Pitt states that the movement works together with various stakeholders because of the belief that addiction does not just affect the addict, but the entire community.

On the day, recovering addicts from various communities and organizations were able to share their stories on how they were able to overcome addiction and turn their lives around for the better. Others testified that in order for one to defeat the disease, the support of family and the community at large is vital.

Addressing the community, Pitt said that those who do not suffer from addiction also have a role to play.

He urged members of the community not to judge but to instead find solutions for those suffering from addiction.

“I would like to thank all the stakeholders and the community at large for rallying behind us and making the event a success.”

Pitt said that two people were taken to rehab following the event. Members of the community suffering from drug addiction and needing assistance can contact Pitt on: 0839539260

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