The advantages of drawing for children

Drawing is not only about keeping your child busy - there's much more behind the creation of those 'artworks' your little one insists you stick on the fridge...

Life under lockdown has been tough on everyone. For working parents, attempting to balance working life and family time has always been a challenge. But now, under lockdown, with your children having to learn from home things have been extra tough.

The normal weekday routines that they are so familiar with are gone, and there is limited contact with their classmates and teachers. Moreover, these changes to their daily lives’ structure can have a major impact on their small minds.

The connection between innovation and well-being

Multiple studies demonstrate that creativity and well-being are positively connected. Psychologist Bernice Castle agrees, saying that art and creativity support children’s development in different ways.

“For children and adults alike, art can be a powerful tool. They learn much better in all disciplines if kids engage in hands-on art activities,” says Castle.

Here are some ways you can tap into the creative outlets of your children and keep them engaged in meaningful ways:

Establish an Art Station

Dedicate a small section of your home to projects involving art. BIC has a broad range of high-quality stationery that is perfect for children’s art projects.

Set everyday challenges

Give a challenge to your children for the day. This will allow them to achieve daily goals and provide a sense of achievement at the end of the day.

Keep everything

Don’t throw away anything. Show off your child’s really good works of art and keep the rest in storage. These are not only great keepsakes, but they show children that their job is special and deserves attention.

Find Resources online

From blogs to Youtube tutorials and more, there are thousands of online resources that can help your child get ‘arty’. To add a creative spin to things, make use of these resources. See Facebook’s #BICStayInspired tutorials as well.

Involve yourself

Use the resources you have to get involved and stay connected with your child, whether it’s reaching out to other parents you know, searching for ideas online, or asking a teacher.


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