Win nice prizes in competition for the benefit of rhinos

Like the rest of the country, locals also know that the extinction of rhinos cannot be allowed.

Projects are regularly launched to help in any way to help protect these endangered gentle giants.

For this reason, Sedibeng Ster decided to do its part and offer a platform to Insimbi Legacy Projects to launch their beauty competition for the benefit of rhinos. So you can do your part in a fun way and support the competition.

It only costs R50 to enter and every entry will be sincerely appreciated.

All the funds generated by the competition will be used as payment for the rangers (anti-poachers) who have to protect the rhinos.

People who do not want to participate in the competition, but want to support the cause, can make a donation.

Insimbi Legacy Projects is a non-profit organization in Limpopo. The specific location where it is located is not mentioned for the safety of the rhinos.

“Beauty with a cause” is a photo competition with six sections in which you can participate:

Miss Little Rhino Hope: Girls 2 to 6

Mr Little Rhino Jack: Boys 2 to 6

Miss Rhino Hope: Girls 7 to 12

Mr Rhino Jack: Boys 7 to 12

Miss Teen Rhino Hope:

Girls 13 to 16

Mr Teen Rhino Jack: Boys 13 to 19 (it used to be 13 to 16, but now 19).

* As already mentioned, entries are only R50 and there are prizes at stake for all the division winners.

(This includes a gift pack, sash and certificate).

Three independent judges will select the respective division winners.

The closing date is 30 November.

Signing up is easy:
Send a nice face photo, as well as an indication of which section to enter, along with proof of payment to
Bank details for entries:
Insimbi Legacy Projects NPC
Branch Code: 253742
Account number: 62742710347
Reference: Child’s name and surname

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