SA is a good place to be in

The little you have can take you a long way and remember - we will not all become millionaires. Some of us will remain poor like church mice unless we make hay while the sun shines. Makes you think, doesn’t it?

I had the pleasure of attending a very insightful economic talk by Dawie Roodt, a nationally-renowned economist who specialises in government finance and monetary policy, this was in Vanderbijlpark this past Monday. During the talk Roodt went deep into the financial matters of the country and international markets.

I will not delve much into these as I am not an economist or an accountant, but what I heard as I listened to him is that Africa, in particular, South Africa is a growing economy which people need to bear with and practice patience.

Roodt however makes mention that rich people are leaving the country more so because of the political instability and the system of ‘taking from the rich and giving to the poor’ and also that one (1) rich family provides for seven (7) poor families – something that needs serious consideration because, as he says, “If we want to become a rich country, we need to hold on to ‘rich people’ and copy their way of life. South Africa is a good place to be in.” I could not agree more.

In the talk Roodt also dissected the recent budget tabled by Minister Pravin Gordhan which made one realise that we are still a long way to realising ‘the good story’ although it must be noted that considerable strides have been made.

My advice to you, not that I am an expert, would be that you stop moaning about the things that you do not have power over and the things that you do not have and start working with what you do have. The little you have can take you a long way and remember – we will not all become millionaires. Some of us will remain poor like church mice unless we make hay while the sun shines. Makes you think, doesn’t it?


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