Interpersonal competence in the building and maintenance of relationships

Course Content:


Personal Growth:

  • Interpersonal competence in the building and maintenance of relationships
  • Intrapersonal awareness as a unique person and seen in: own growth and development, a focus on dimensions of the mental/cognitive, emotions, belief and value systems and complete wellness
  • To become real (congruent) and grow with a special focus on assertiveness
  • To manage all the negatives, which impact or prevent growth and functioning as seen in wounding experiences, conflict, anger, stress, shadows, prejudice, games and manipulations


Counselling Skills:

  • A person-centred approach; the theoretical basis of structure, process and principles of counselling or helping people
  • Role plays to put into practice the skills and techniques learned


Two Personal Growth Courses will commence on


11th January 2016 – 09.00 and another at 18.30 in Duncanville


 for a period of 10 weeks – 3 hours once a week- on a Monday – one in the morning from 09.00 am until 12.00 noon and another in the evening from 18.30 until 21.30. You cannot interchange – i.e. if you start the morning course you have to stay in the morning course.

Counselling Skills Course will be presented over 6/7 weeks – 3 hours once a week at the same times as Personal Growth course and the dates will be discussed at the Personal Growth Course.

These courses are highly recommended for anyone who interacts with other people and for enhancing self esteem. These courses are well known, highly recommended and form the backbone of all LifeLine counsellors. Social Work and Psychology Students from NWU and UNISA are advised to attend.


The courses cost:  R800.00 per person for Personal Growth

R400.00 per person for Counselling Skills


A non-refundable registration fee of R200 per person is due at the first session.


A letter of attendance can be issued if requested


Phone:  Colleen/George on 016 428 1740 for further information and for confirming attendance


Bank Details:  Nedbank Vanderbijlpark – Current ACC – 1748320750

Branch No. – 174837

Reference:  PG and your name



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