
Time for reality check

There is something strange about football in this region. Point in case, the talent that was displayed during the Makgotamishe Winter Tournament was out of this world.

There is something strange about football in this region. Point in case, the talent that was displayed during the Makgotamishe Winter Tournament was out of this world. However, the same cannot be said about the leagues in this region.
The talent that TOUCHLINE saw at this tournament was exceptional to say the least and local soccer fans enjoyed each and every action from day one until the last day of the tournament. This is a concern for TOUCHLINE because you will never see these players during the league games.
No doubt, this region is blessed with talent. It was the first time TOUCHLINE saw some of the exciting talent and the question I asked myself was – where did they come from?
But somebody said to me, some of these boys just enjoy playing these tournaments because they get paid for playing there. This doesn’t make sense to me for talent to be used in this manner.
TOUCHLINE always says this: People no longer have respect for this beautiful game and that is why these youngsters opt to play in tournaments instead of leagues. In addition to this, the Super League was re-scheduled just because some teams gave this tournament first priority.
Apparently the local soccer fans also enjoy watching these township tournaments more than league games and it is because youngsters are allowed to express themselves compared to when they play league matches.
TOUCHLINE challenges all people who are involved with the development of football in this region to look into this matter – why are our youngsters preferring to play in tournaments rather than ‘organised’ football or league games.
Something must be done about this situation because our youngsters choose gambling over organised football just because they are paid to grace these township tournaments. TOUCHLINE believes tournament organisers and our LFA’s must come together to work towards a common goal. Let’s put our differences aside and find a common ground to fix our football.
TOUCHLINE’S message to Emfuleni Local Football Association secretary – Martin Mpholo is that I have been in football for donkey years and I understand the politics of football. We all know where the problem lies but we want to shift the blame. Please stop looking for excuses and making accusations.
The challenge with our football is that every ‘nyaope addict’ thinks he can run this beautiful game. As much as we are all involved in the development of football in this region – our ambition is not and will never be the same. While some of you fight for positions – there are those of us who fight for progress and quality in the field of play.

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