Their faith is weak!

Disgusting and disgraceful! This was all I could say after learning this week that there is a young pastor who claims to heal people with Doom. Of all things, Doom? These young fashion pastors seem to be taking advantage of some of our more gullible citizens.

At first people were made to eat grass, drink petrol and eat snakes and now they are being sprayed with Doom – all in the name of supposed spiritual healing. The latest pastor has defended his actions saying the use of the insect killer is harmless while Tiger Brands, which manufactures Doom, said the spraying of their product in someone’s face is dangerous and they would ask this pastor to refrain from this practice.

Doom has been formulated to kill specific insects, which are detailed on the cans, and the packaging has very clear warnings which must be adhered to. Using this product for purposes other than what it is intended for poses risks and is therefore dangerous. Still our people do not listen!

All they want is to be ‘in fashion’ by attending these so-called healing churches. Yeah, the songs are cool and the show is great, but ultimately Sunday morning isn’t really making a difference. We can be entertained anywhere. The stage, and the lights, and the bands, and the video screens of these churches have all just become white noise to those really seeking to encounter God.

These people are not Christians as they call themselves and this has nothing to do with Christianity. We do not need Doom and have our people eat grass for healing and deliverance of any kind. These fashion pastors are an abomination and spread no prophecy but blasphemy.

In some ways they are being allowed by the system because their is no law against their acts. Like any profession it is important that religious leaders have legislation in place to avoid malpractice. So long as we don’t pass this legislation fast enough these things will keep happening until something horrible happens where the pastors are going to kill people. People should also be held responsible for believing everything that anyone on feet preaches to them.

I realise that the problem with deception is that it is deceiving – it sounds so right that it is hard to sometimes discern between a hoax and the truth – but really, Doom? Some of you might say, “Well, I have faith. I believe in Jesus.” Frankly, it’s one thing to say you have faith, but it’s an entirely different matter to apply your faith to life’s challenges. Go on eat the snakes, go down on your knees for the grass it is your choice after all. You can only blame yourself if you start hissing or growing horns.Your faith is weak!

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