Take stock of what is truly important

I cannot call myself a model church going person, but like many ‘I Believe’.

I cannot call myself a model church going person, but like many ‘I Believe’.
In the toughest of times it is my belief that has kept me going while giving me strength and reminding me of my detractors, surroundings and how to become a better person. This coming weekend many will be celebrating Easter. I am an unapologetic supporter of the role that faith plays in our ordinary lives. The values of the Christian faith are the values on which many should base their lives. Of course I know that not everyone agrees but for me the key point is this: the values of Easter and the Christian religion – compassion, forgiveness, kindness, hard work and responsibility – are values that we can all celebrate and share. It’s why so many people, both Christian and not, use the weeks before Easter to take stock of what is truly important to them and their families. Whether that is through giving their time to volunteer or going without something in their own lives to help those most in need. It all makes a difference. Easter is also a time that many people spend with their families, relaxing and enjoying the break in their different ways. So, whatever you’re up to this weekend, I hope you have a very happy Easter. Drive safe, see you next week.

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