
On my mind – Fear of change

Many of us are growing up and at the stage where we feel we should change our lifestyle and the way we do things and the friends we hang out with.

Many of us are growing up and at the stage where we feel we should change our lifestyle and the way we do things and the friends we hang out with. Change is really hard, however, especially when it’s a big change – like breaking up with someone you love, leaving your parents’ house, leaving your job, starting your own business, perhaps, or any other of hundreds of choices. We fear changing our lives because we worry too much, we fear whether we are taking the right decisions. We sometimes wish we knew more, like how do we make a decision without the necessary information? And, most of the time, we feel stuck and blame it on the place or environment we live in. How do we get past the fear and move forward with whatever it is we want to do? Most of us avoid taking tough decisions because we obviously want as much information as we can before making them. I believe that life is a series of guesses, and we eventually learn from all the mistakes we have made in the past. The fear in all of our minds sometimes stops us from moving forward. We worry that, if we start towards a big goal, we might not make it to the finish line. If you did not reach your goal, it does not mean you have failed. You chose the goal in the first place. Failure is not a destination and neither is success. You don’t need to be a world-changer today, but it is a good idea to first make a small change in your own world.

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