
On my mind – Setting goals for yourself

Do you have aspirations that the things you are looking forward to will come true?

Do you have aspirations that the things you are looking forward to will come true?

Goal-setting is the first step towards achievement and your first point towards success. It is what puts your life into real action mode. Without this step, any other attempts at achieving your goals simply cannot take place. Have you ever encountered people who have a passive approach toward life? They don’t set any goals and they just live life on a meandering, day-to-day basis. You see them a year, three years, five years from now, and their lives are largely the same, save for a few changes that are really more the result of others’ actions and desires, rather than their own. Setting your goals gives you clarity about what you ultimately want. It makes you consolidate and articulate the desires floating in your mind.

It ensures that you are channeling your time, energy and efforts into things that really matter to you. It makes you live more consciously. Your goals are a representation of your inner desires – desires that motivate you in life. The point where you set goals is when you are most connected with your source of motivation.

It is when your motivation is at its peak. Having goals at your side serves as a constant reminder of your motivational sources. They are the fuel that drives you forward, and keep you going when the journey gets tough. Start setting goals, be the best you can be and live your best life.

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