
Assumpta outreach programme for grandparents

The outreach programme was meant to thank the grandparents for the support they give to the school and acknowledge their role as elders of the school and community.

SHARPEVILLE.- The Assumpta Primary School held a community outreach programme for all the grandparents at the school last Friday.

The Principal of Assumpta, Zenzo Ncube, said that the outreach programme was meant to thank the grandparents for the support they give to the school and acknowledge their role as elders of the school and community. The event was marked with a Mass at the local Parish where Father Hloni and Father Solomon were present.

“Nurses were also available and gave an awareness speech to encourage all the grandparents to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The talk included healthy exercises and it urged them to always adhere to stipulated times for their medication,” Principal Ncube said.


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