It is like repeating myself!

It’s really sad that there are no decent sports facilities in our communities.

SEDIBENG.- Talking about the challenge of facilities in communities is like repeating myself, week after week.

However, this is a serious concern. As a region, we have to rely on private institutions for sports facilities. For some time now, Zakes’ Sports Corner has been addressing this issue of sport facilities in the Sedibeng region. It seems as if no one is taking this seriously, because those who are running our sports from the comfort of their office, don’t experience what the poor athletes are feeling out there. Zakes’ Sport Corner always drives around Sedibeng to inspect sporting facilities in the community.

It is a disgrace to say the least!

As a region we must hang our heads in shame, because these athletes deserve much better. For example, the South African Football Association (SAFA) Sedibeng Inter-Regional Play-Offs will take place at Ratanda Stadium, which is a hard surface ground. SAFA Sedibeng could have taken these play-offs to Qedilizwe ground in Evaton North, as this facility is much better compared to the rest.

It’s really sad that there are no decent sports facilities in our communities.

The only decent sporting facilities are for private institutions such as your Vaal University of Technology (VUT) and North West University (NWU). Zakes’ Sports Corner has been all over the country and I must admit we are the worst region when it comes to sporting facilities.

Zakes’ Sports Corner truly hopes and wishes somebody will do something regarding this matter, especially our own municipality.



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