SAICE cleans school library

"This project was a great success with some stakeholder and parents joining hands to clean this library."

SEBOKENG.- South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) Vaal also joined the millions of South Africans to make a difference on Mandela Day.

This organisation took an initiative to clean the Residensia Secondary School library with the aim of restoring the culture of libraries within the communities. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Mmatshepo Maina, who the chairperson of the organisation, said she was disturbed by the school’s library conditions.

“When I visited the school with aim to see how can we organise a career exhibition or career expo event at the school I was welcome by disturbing images of the school library. We met the teacher by the name of Mam Maefadi who has an office within this burnt library and I realised how serious this needs to be given immediate attention. We then organised to come and clean it on this day as part of Mandela Day’s 67 minutes. This project was a great success with some stakeholder and parents joining hands to clean this library. I want to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this project,” said Maina.

Maina believes that if parents and the community work together they can restore this once beautiful school library. She told Sedibeng Ster that the school library hold a pivotal role within the community and will be helpful for learners from Sebokeng Hostel, Zone 17 and Boiketlong.

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